Friday, November 02, 2007

Navy is part of the military?

So I was reading about the ND-Navy game this weekend, and found this gem of stupidity written by a student at Columbia. She is either a foreigner or the dumbest person on that campus, and I feel she's pulled the collective intelligence of Columbia University down to the level of a Rutgers University.

Check out this article:

I can understand not realizing that the Citadel is not a military institution; but not knowing that the Naval Academy (more commonly referred to as "Navy") is affiliated with the military is crazy. And not expecting that the Navy will train you to be a soldier to fight, and possibly die, for America is juvenile. Navy trains its cadets (not students) to be officers, leaders, and men (or the occasional woman). They are not giving away a 4-year education/training program for free to any yahoo who walks in off the street.

I love America and am proud of its fighting forces. But the opinions and ideas of some Americans, and their innate fear of the military, simply baffles me. The opinion and lack of knowledge of Idris Leppala makes me laugh and sick at the same time. Remind me not to send any of my children to Columbia.


  1. She's actually a senior a Barnard(sp?) College, which I think is one of the Seven Sisters (remember that Simpsons episode where they ask Lisa to throw the spelling bee and offer her a scholarship to one of the Seven Sisters in return?). Anyway, Columbia or not, she's still a moron. It's the United States Naval Academy, what'd she expect?

  2. Good catch Ian. However, I still hold Columbia responsible for publishing her article.
