Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm Out

This team is dead to me...


  1. I gave up scheduling time to watch ND after this season's loss to MSU. But with their recruiting class being possibly the top class, I'll be back next year! National Champions 2009!!!

  2. I don't think so. This team is just too bad. I don't know how it's possible to go from 1-11 (our likely record this season) to national champions two years later, regardless of recruiting classes. The defense needs to allow 2 fewer touchdowns per week and the offense score 2 more, that's a huge swing that I don't think we're capable of...

  3. i agree. i just don't see how this team can get significantly better next year. the incoming freshman will not be able to contribute to the extent needed. i think watching from the sidelines can be better for younger players as opposed to throwing them to the wolves when they are not ready (see jimmy clausen versus carson palmer). we just have SO MANY holes to fill in. where to begin: special teams, especially kicker, wr's, offensive line, defensive line, and rb's. it's going to be a rough couple of years.


    Living in the South, I have taken more crap than all of you combined about our season. Yet, I still wear my Irish gear every chance I can. Not really for pride, but mostly because I would run out of clothes otherwise!

    I will be addressing this topic in an upcoming post - along with a special request blog poll!

  5. Everyone should remember that youth doesn't mean bad team. The '88 Nat'l Champs only had 2 seniors starting on offense (Andy Heck and Mark Green) and four on defense (Stams, and three other guys). The names you remember from that team were juniors (Stonebreaker, Rice, A. Johnson, Smagala, Bolcar, Francisco), sophomores (Watters, Zorich, Lyght, Brooks) or even some freshman (Rocket, D. Brown, Jurkovic). So a young team may be exactly what we need. We'll have some key seniors in Sam Young, Aldridge, Allen, Walls, and T. Smith, but I'm telling you, we're gonna be awesome in 2 years.
