Tuesday, September 18, 2007

T-minus 10 days

So I was thinking to myself about things I had to do over the next few days and what my work weeks look like coming up, and I realized that I'm taking off two days next week for Bridget's (and Bryan's) wedding. I then immediately said "Holy Crap" out loud. To which my Peruvian colleague working next to me said "Por que vijiste 'Holy Crap'?" Since I had no idea what he said (something about holy crap), I assumed he was asking me why I'd said Holy Crap. To which I told him I'm taking off two days next week for my sister's wedding, and I've got way too much work to get done before then.

Hans Schwarz, my Peruvian colleagued noted above (yeah, I thought he was German,too!), told me not to worry so much, I'm on Nationwide and will have plenty of time. Hans said it right kids. I'm looking forward to this bash for many reasons, but mostly because it's always a good time hanging out with the family, drinking some adult beverages, and seeing the new nieces you guys keep bringing home. (we will note speak of watching Notre Dame, because that it always a fiasco)

However, I'm also quite excited to have Bryan in the family; I'm hoping that there will finally be someone lower on the totem then I and Ian will persecute him instead of me. This is most likely a pipe dream, as Ian and Colin always make fun of me because I don't get offended (I always was the good-natured Heffernan. I was confident in being the best looking, most athletic, and most humble of all the Heffernan boys, so I knew anything Colin and Ian ever said was just their way of venting their jealousy.) Anywho, it will be nice to party to the wee hours of Saturday morning, dancing like fools all night (Ted will have to dance, Ava will make him!), and drinking loads of beer on dad's tab. Thanks in advance, dad! And then after the wedding is done, and everyone goes home, dad can finally start saving up his money for that boat he always wanted (I'm trying not to laugh out loud).

In short, I think it's gonna be a great weekend. We'll get to see each other, be in a wedding, be happy for Bridget and Bryan, and then watch the Reds lose to the Cubs in order to allow the Cubs to win the pennant instead of the Brewers (I hate the Brewers). See you guys in t-minus 10 days!

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