Monday, July 02, 2007

More Than Meets The Eye

So this week opens yet another summer blockbuster. Michael Bay is unleashing Transformers upon us all! As a long-time Transformers fan, I felt compelled to make a brief blog post on this one. First, let me just say I am a huge Transformers fan. As a kid, I owned just about every Autobot they sold in stores. Conversely, Ian owned just about every Decepticon. We would still have them had someone not "lost them" (that's code for giving them away to some other kid without asking Ian or I).

This movie is going to be great! I plan on seeing this movie as soon as I am able. It is pretty tough these days getting to the movies with 2 youngsters! But before anyone goes, please get into the right frame of mind. It's Transformers - a movie about living robots from outer space who can mimic human machines. There really isn't anything beyond this very basic plot - TOTAL MAYHEM AND DESTRUCTION! That's why Bay was perfect for this movie! Please don't bash this movie for having no plot. It's not supposed to! Also, please don't bash this movie because it wasn't "true to the cartoon." You may not remember the cartoon clearly if you think it was all that great. I'll leave you with a little quote from a great website I read. This perfectly summarizes the old Transformers cartoon.

"Fans of the original television series will recall there were essentially two possible plots to any Transformers episode. Plot one involved the Decepticons discovering a new way to make Energon Cubes, forcing the Autobots to have to stop them. And plot two involved the Autobots finding a new way to generate Energon Cubes, causing the Decepticons to try and stop them, forcing the Autobots to have to stop them from stopping them. Each episode ended with a melee which involved the same recycled shots of Transformers seemingly floating in midair while their blasters fired repeatedly. The Decepticons would run off with their tails between their legs – and if for some reason the Autobots were having a hard time stopping them, they would turn to their new recruit, a Transformer we'd never seen or heard from before but was, fortunately for us, available in stores that very week, who would aid in chasing the Decepticons off with their tails between their legs. In a word, it was FUCKING AWESOME!"


  1. the reviews have all been fairly positive. i may partake in this cinematic experience tomorrow.

  2. i just saw transformers; do yourself a favor and go see it. it is, in one word, super-awesome. you will not be disappointed.

  3. I just got back from this movie, and I concur with Colin's opinion, but have my own to add. It was holy-shit-that-was-awesome! After the movie, Teresa told me that she enjoyed it, but wished that some of the fighting at the end had been replaced with more of the story. So not only was the movie awesome, but it had a captivating plot that made Teresa enjoy it. This was after I gave her the 2-minute intro to Autobots, Decepticons, and Cybertron.

    Also, this may be one of the first movies in a very long time that I'd pay to see in the theater again.

  4. Wow! Good reviews from Colin and Kevin. I actually saw it yesterday late night when all the kiddies were asleep. I'm going to hold off on giving it a super-awesome.

    I agree with Kev that the story was actually pretty good - suprisingly. There were some genuinely funny moments. My gripe with the movie is that the action was so frenetic and so furious, I had a really hard time keeping up with who the hell was fighting who. Robots were flying by the screen and transforming so fast, my eyes hurt. Most of the time, I couldn't tell which was the autobot and which was the decepticon. Prime had bright red, so that helped, but tell me you could tell the difference between Starscream and Megatron.

    Maybe watching this on a home theater would help that. I hear Ian is getting a fancy new system!!!
