Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Joys of Parenthood

I like to consider myself the picture of health. I have never missed a day of work for illness; never have had to go to the doctor for anything major; never had stitches; never had to get a cast for broken bones, never had to fill a prescription. I have awesome blood pressure, cholesterol levels and not a hint of elevated blood sugar. My BMI is even 27. My medical history can be summed up pretty quickly:
  • I was born in West Virginia and chaos ensued (inguinal hernia repair and multiple ear infections).
  • I got chicken pox in 3rd grade.
  • I got a concussion and strained my MCL in 11th grade.
  • I got the flu once in college.
  • I got food poisoning once in medical school.
  • I broke a metatarsal 2 years ago playing soccer.
So imagine my surprise Thursday when my slight cough of the past week started feeling better and suddenly... I couldn't hear out of my right ear!!! Since Ava is on ear infections #2 this year, Ali looked in my ear and found my very own ear infection! Awesome - just what I wanted! So being a good Heffernan, I fought it for a day before it got worse and started to hurt. Then, I promptly prescribed myself the first antibiotic I have taken since infancy - a Z-Pak. This is what my ear probably looked like.

I feel kind of like Seinfeld when he broke his vomit streak. It was a badge of honor that I could always fight through the cold and flu season with a little DayQuil at worst. Unfortunately, having kids (who inevitably tend to get sick a lot) changes things. Let this be a warning to future Heffernan parents. I caved in, and I am a much weaker man than I was last week. At least my ear feels better!


  1. I seem to remember a few sun-burns that Ted got that seemed at the time to be quite serious; just throwing it out there...

  2. I wouldn't call Ted the epitome of health - no one else in this family had a hernia. And you can't hold the injuries against us, since they were usually inflicted (directly or indirectly) by Ted.

  3. Who are you kidding? Ignoring serious injuries and fighting through pain and illness doesn't make us the picture of health - it just makes us stupid, stubborn, and Heffernans. I'm sure we've all suffered through periods for which a lesser person would breakdown and see a doctor, but we've just grown up with an attitude of "walk it off" or "big boys don't cry". It'll all catch up with us in about 30 years when none of us can walk because we suffered through 1 too many "sprained" ankles...

  4. Does Kevin have the Super Troopers picture for his icon? That ROCKS! I just saw Beerfest last week. It is definitely Kevin's best role(s) to date. One particular scene is AWESOME, but I won't give it away!
