Thursday, March 15, 2007

High Definition DVD Is Really Here

We've had posts debating HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray before. I stand by my statement that Blu-Ray will win this one, and Sony will finally own a form of entertainment media! Blu-Ray is overwhelmingly outselling HD-DVD, and industry insiders say the only thing holding HD-DVD upright is Microsoft support. HD-DVD will probably hang on for awhile, but it will slowly fade away before the last holdout studios cave and release in Blu-Ray. I guess Sony was due after Beta lost to VHS, MD lost to CD, and the Whopper beat the Big Mac - but I digress.

The reason I know that standard DVD is over? I just bought a new DVD player for $120. Yes, you say, I could have gotten one for $30 at Wal-Mart. However, this bad boy is a 5-Disc progressive-scan monster WITH HD upconversion. Seriously, this is an awesome player for a dirt cheap price. When that's all they can charge for standard DVD, it's on the way out. Of course it's a Sony.

I finally had to put my original 1998 DVD player into retirement after numerous quirks arose with newer DVD formats. In retirement, it will play Disney, Sesame Street and Baby Einstein movies for Ava in her playroom. Mom and Dad could only be so lucky in retirement!


  1. I have no idea why comments were not activated. I modified the post so now they are. Fire away!

  2. I changed where my comment is posted - now it's with the right entry!

    With Blu-Ray DVD coming out I heard an interesting fact - the cheapest Blu-Ray device on the market right now is none other than the Sony PS3. Blu-Ray DVD players are starting for ~$800, while you can get a PS3 for ~$600. It's a steal!
