Wednesday, February 28, 2007

ND Basketball

What with ND having a very successful basketball season, I've been keeping an eye on the NCAA Tournament for the first time in a long time. If ND keeps playing well, we could possibly earn a #6 seed or higher. My guess is with a good showing in the Big East tourny, we will end up with a #5 or #6 seed in the NCAA's. I looked online today, and what did I find out but that Columbus is hosting some first- and second-round games. Specifically, Columbus will have the #3 through #6 seeds, meaning ND could be a prime candidate for playing in Columbus!

So naturally I went online to see ticket prices and found that they are not cheap. For bad seats (upper deck behind the basket), tickets for all six games cost a total of $457. Too rich for my blood, but I thought I'd let everyone else know!

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