Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Common Sense Prevails

Take that, science!


  1. Where the hell did you pull that one from? It does kind of look like your handwriting!

    As the only certified scientist in the family (along with my wife), I think the question is ambiguous at best. I can't tell what X0 is supposed to mean. Is that a genotype with an unknown? I think it may mean an inactivated X. In any case, why give a genotype when they say you can't look at the chromosomes!!? And what about the underlined text, what are they implying, a color cross? Very nebulous.

    Ian's answer is correct! You determine phenotype by appearance. A female has a vagina, end of story! If they wanted to know which colors in crossed breeding indicate female, the answer is Calico. Calico cats are always female (XX). They have Barr bodies which allow them to express X phenotypes from both X genes, so they can have a mix of colors depending on which X is active in a cell.

  2. It's not me - I just found it kicking around the internet. I had to post it because the answer is so obvious it's ridiculous. Yet somehow it looks like the kid didn't get credit for an obviously correct response...
