Monday, January 15, 2007

Ted got published!

So I'm a big fan of BlueGraySky, an ND blog site that has some pretty darn good coverage of ND stuff. I usually check it a couple times a day during the football year, and basketball for that matter. Anywho, I came into work today, and as is my routine, I looked at BlueGraySky and saw that the results from an entry competition were posted. I was just looking through who they gave credit to, and lo! there was "Ted Heffernan"!

Now, there can't be too many Ted Heffernan's in the world, and I know my brother is one of them. So I ask him: Ted, did you enter the contest? And if so, I believe that since you were one of 24 guys mentioned with honor, you must have written a pretty good entry. Get it posted here! I want to read it!

For those of you wanting to see Ted's name, or just read a great blog, you can't click here:


  1. Yeah, that was me. That DVD set looked sweet, so I submitted an old blog entry from last year I did on Irish emotion. I thought there was no way I could lose with the "Going Toonces" phrase! Oh well.

    If you really want to see Ted in print, check out the February edition of Radiology (only the premier journal in my field). I am lead author on an article about Hurricane Katrina. I RULE!

  2. Radiology is free online?! Who knew? Now I have good reading every day at work!

    Oh, and Ted's article in the February issue won't be available until Jan. 25.
