Tuesday, January 02, 2007


So this past weekend Bridget and Bryan (I finally spelled his name right) finally got engaged. Apparently Bryan had the go-ahead from Dad since September, but because we Heffernan boys are so intimidating, or maybe because he was nice and wanted to let Dad's bank account recharge a little longer, he waited until New Year's Eve dinner to propose. Apparently Bridget accepted, as the pictures below of she and Bryan hugging was either them being happy or a final farewell.

Now Bridget and Bryan have lots of decisions and plans to make for their wedding. Where will it be? Who knows! There are lots of people that will be asking this question, and prodding them, and making suggestions, but I think we should all stay out of it and not open our mouths- it's Bridget and Bryan's decision! I am not going to say a word.

...but I will include some pictures for you to guess at...

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