Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Folks Are All Right

Mom and I know you are all concerned about our financial well-being after we can no longer earn a living. What with Social Security in the tank, globalization eroding our standard of living, and the imminent collapse of social services across the nation (when was the last time you voted for a tax levy?) it's no surprise adult children fret about their parents' future. Until very recently, Mom and I had been counting on a nice little in-law suite above Ted's 4-car garage - in exchange, of course, for various domestic services rendered. However, we have hit upon a plan that will get us ever so closer to lifelong solvency.

This 21st century digital technology creates a lot of possibilities. Have you seen those Orville Redenbacher popcorn commercials - featuring Orville himself making a posthumous appearance? Marlon Brando continues to contribute, vocally at least, to the latest Superman movies, and the Empire Carpet guy will probably work forever in computer animation. So, we decided to apply our PC's time machine capabilities to the wonderful world of advertising, not so much for fun as for profit. A little edit here, some cropping there, and viola!

I'm not sure who the young lady is, but everyone should recognize that jovial mop-top in front. It's a little difficult to see, but I do believe he is wearing his famous cowboy boots, too.

Considering that we have 30+ years worth of photos, and visions of royalty checks start to dance in my head. We probably wouldn't even have to use any of the really embarrassing material. Unless, of course, it was for a truly unique opportunity like Apple iPods or Fanny Mae Candy. Anyway, kids, I think we're going to be fine. Just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, even as a child I was sooo good looking that it is almost staggering. I hope I get a cut of those royalty checks since you will obviously be using my image for the vast majority of this scheme. I echo Spiderman's sentiments regarding his powers to my handsomeness - my gift, my curse...
