Monday, December 04, 2006

Final Words on College Football

This is all I'm saying after the BCS bowl match-ups were announced last night - it's very difficult to get it right. Is Florida better than Michigan? Is Florida more deserving than Michigan? Who knows. What I do know is this - if Michigan had gotten the nod and then beat Ohio State then who's the national champion? How can you declare Michigan the national champion when Ohio State beat them 1 month ago?

Several other thoughts...
  • is running a poll about the BCS match-ups. With about 100,000 votes tallied 54.7% think Notre Dame is the worst team in a BCS game. Really? Worse than a Boise State team who's toughest game was San Jose State? Worse than a Wake Forest team that snuck away with an ACC title because Miami and Florida State both had awful seasons. Worse than an Oklahoma team that won the worst Big 12 in history? Worse than a Louisville team that lost to Rutgers? Rutgers! Additionally, 64.9% think that LSU is going to blow Notre Dame out. Say what you will about Notre Dame, but remember they lost to #2 Michigan and #2 USC, not exactly chumps. This will be a great game.
  • I am hearby declaring the Fiesta Bowl (Oklahome v. Boise State) this year's BCS snoozefest. No, wait, I mean the Orange Bowl (Louisville v. Wake Forest)! Oh, screw it, both games will be terrible and have a combined viewing audience of 16.
  • The Rose Bowl (USC v. Michigan) has the potential to draw better ratings than the national championship game - especially since the AP will be chomping to give Michigan a split of the title should Florida upset Ohio State.


  1. All I have to say is Boise State got screwed. As one of only 2 undefeated Div-1 teams, they deserve a title shot. If they're good enough to be in a BCS game, why aren't they good enough to be in the BCS title game? Boise State played tough competition in the WAC, with tough wins over Hawaii, Wyoming, and San Jose State. Don't let politics rule football, let your record talk! 12-0 is the same record as Ohio State. And honestly, is the WAC any worse than the Big Ten?

  2. OK, I'm marketing director for GM and I'm thinking about buying commercial time on a BCS bowl broadcast to sell Cadillacs. Do I like the demographic tuned in to Okies v. O'Boises? How about U-fafell v. barely a-Wake? Money talks, boys. If BCS keeps putting stinkers like these on the air, you can bet the networks will start trimming their bids for the rights. No, you won't read about it online or hear it on ESPN (the media never report on themselves), but it will happen.
