Thursday, October 26, 2006


The Hiro Nakamura of the future.

I don't know if any of you guys have been watching this show, but it's freaking awesome. I'm hooked on it like Whitney Houston on crack. NBC took an idea that everyone loves, comic book superheroes, and essentially turned it into a TV drama. The acting is very good, and they have a few people you'll recognize as well.

What's going on is that regular Joe's on the street are finding out they have super powers. Some are more super than others, but all are pretty cool. However, these people aren't going out and fighting crime like Spidey and Superman, they are trying to maintain their normal lives. However, there is a super-villain as well, though we don't know exactly what powers he has, and he is currently just starting to interact with the Heroes.

Here now is a run down of the Heroes and their powers:

Claire Bennet - a cheerleader from Texas, Claire is pretty much indestructible. In one episode, she wakes up and is cut open on an autopsy table. Pretty gross stuff. You may have heard the taglines of the show - "Save the cheerleader, save the world."

Nathan Petrelli - Congressman who can fly.

Peter Petrelli - Brother of Nathan, we just found out that he mimics the powers of any other hero he is around.

Niki Sanders (played by Ali Larter) - has an alter-ego she can't control. The alter ego is extremely strong and very brutal. Kind of like the Hulk, especially since the alter-ego only comes out when she's threatened.

Isaac Mendez - when he's high on heroine (and they show him with the spoon and needle), he can paint the future. His superpower is quite expensive. He just painted the death of Claire Bennet, and so we had the tagline again.

Hiro Nakamura - can bend space and time. He can teleport and move through time. He's still working on refining this ability.

Matt Parkma - the wuss of the show, and a cop to boot, he can hear people's thoughts. He also was beat down already by the bad guy.

Unlike Lost, this story can continue indefinitely because you can always come up with new villains and new heroes in a show like this. I'm excited about this because there can be lots of mini-stories for each hero, and also an over-arching story they all participate in, which is exactly what is happening.

It's a fun show, and so far it has had a small stupid factor. Plus, it's fun watching how these superheroes live their lives and use their powers. Hiro Nakamura was at a casino stopping time and winning lots of money, and Isaac Mendez writes a comic book about the superheroes mentioned above, though he didn't know they were real people.

If you don't watch it or haven't seen it yet, I recommend checking in on it - Mondays at 9PM. Also, every week NBC plays the most recent episode online at It's a great way to kill an hour if you have other things going on Monday night.

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