Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Creepy People

I am sure you have all seen the reports that John Mark Carr - of Jon Benet fame - has moved in with his father in an Atlanta suburb. Not surprisingly, the neighborhood has found out and is freaking out. I don't blame them. The guy hasn't been convicted of anything so he doesn't have to register as a sex offender with any local or state agencies, but hopefully the public will never let him out of its sight and we will always know where this creepy person lives - hopefully far away from my home.

Sadly, however, there are still 16 other creepy people living within one mile of my home. 16! Within one mile! Eek. You can do your own check of registered sex offenders in your area...here's the link to mine in FL (with creepy photos, detailed description of offenses, and specific addresses). Y'all know where I live, if you want to enter my address. I won't post it here for the creepy people to find.


I will have to do some re-con this evening because I am worried that some of these addresses are actually in my apartment complex. Good lord. And these are only the creepy people we have already caught.


  1. What the hell is a Crime Against Nature? That's what all the offenders around our house got booked with. Only 8 within 3/4 of a mile - who-hoo!

  2. We've got 2 within a mile! Go us...however, there are 50+ within a mile of where I work, and 16 of them are at one address! I need to figure out what the heck that location is and then stay far far away.

  3. PS Ted - a crime against nature is §89 of the Louisiana Statutes.

    A. Crime against nature is:

    (1) The unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same sex or opposite sex or with an animal, except that anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime against nature when done under any of the circumstances described in R.S. 14:41, 14:42, 14:42.1 or 14:43. Emission is not necessary; and, when committed by a human being with another, the use of the genital organ of one of the offenders of whatever sex is sufficient to constitute the crime.

    (2) The solicitation by a human being of another with the intent to engage in any unnatural carnal copulation for compensation.

    B. Whoever violates the provisions of this Section shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, or imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than five years, or both."

  4. Ted, the people around you are having sex with animals. Keep a close watch on Jerry and Chloe.

  5. I think that Liz and I are the winners...or more appropriately the losers! We have 61 offenders living in our little section of Bucktown. Ahhhhh another 61 reasons to leave Chicago!
