Monday, September 18, 2006

Why So Quiet??

So Teresa and I were in attendance at the ND-Michigan game Saturday. And after the Ndukwe INT and following ND TD, there was little to nothing to cheer about.

A few things that I did note seeing the game "live":

  1. Our WR's played AWFUL! McKnight and Samardzija were not running their routes. They were half-assing it all over the field. Brady overthrough McKnight several times because Rhema did not run out the routes. Also, McKnight dropped at least 3 balls, maybe more. I believe the "stone-hands" crew out there made Brady look even worse than he really was.
  2. The OL is about as consistent as- well, they're not. They dominated Michigan at times, and then looked as porous as Colin's old underwear.
  3. Darius Walker and Price (the punter) were the only good Irish players. Walker didn't get many rushes, but he did well with the short passes to him out of the backfield. Price probably stopped Michigan from scoring 100 pts because he was punting so damn well.
  4. Our defense got tired. Yeah, Terrail Lambert got smoked several times, but we stopped Michigan when it was necessary and gave our offense a shot. But no first downs in the first and third quarter left our defense on the field too long and they were tired and prone to mistake and easy pickin's by the Michigan offense.
  5. Lloyd Carr out-games Charlie Weis. Other than the special teams battle, Charlie got beat everywhere else. Lloyd Carr humbled Charlie like no one else. God I hate saying that.

During the fourth quarter, I've never heard Notre Dame stadium so quiet. The Michigan fans, maybe 500 strong sitting in the top stadium behind the south end zone started a chant of "Why so quiet" during a timeout. The remaing 65,000 ND fans (because at least 14,500 had left by this point), sat in unresponsive silence because there was no comeback to that chant. We got whooped and we knew it, and Michigan knew it. Those 500 fans could be heard clear as day in my seat in the north end zone. It was like there were 40,000 of them. "Why so quiet?" they asked? Because we were shown we're still not a national championship contender.

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