Monday, July 03, 2006

Shows You Should Be Watching That You May Not Even Know Exist

So summertime is here and aside from stroke-inducing heat it also brings us an utter lack of television options as network stalwarts such as Lost, 24, and Family Guy are all repeats, if that. So to help you through those long, hot nights here are some television programs that you might want to catch up on:

Deadwood, Sundays @ 9pm EST on HBO - I know, I know the cost of HBO isn't worth the few decent shows it has, but I got 6 months free when I got my HD box and this show is the best they have. The Sopranos? Absolutely awful. Entourage? Pretty entertaining. But Deadwood is the balls. It took me about three episodes to understand the language - never have I heard the words 'motherfucker' and 'cocksucker' used in such formal and eloquent manner. If you don't have HBO, seasons 1 and 2 are now available on DVD. Just a great all-around show worth a weekly viewing.

The Venture Bros., Sundays @ 10:30pm on Cartoon Network - Remember those cheesy, old Jonny Quest cartoons? Well, The Venture Bros. is a knock-off that is absolutely hilarious. Great characters, hilarious plot lines. Season 1 is also available on DVD.

Dirty Jobs, Tuesdays @ 9pm on Discovery - Absolutely hilarious. I'm so glad Discovery is finally moving aware from all that motorcycle and metal shop crap and getting back to their roots. Dirty Jobs follows the outstanding Mike Rowe as he helps those who have arguably the nastiest jobs in the world. Pig farmers, sewage inspector, horse breeder - Rowe has done it all and makes me laugh out load 3-4 times per show.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Thursday @ 10pm on FX - I just stumbled across It's Always Sunny a couple weeks ago and I am hooked. Unfortunately, this season they've added the terrifically unfunny Danny Devito to the cast so I'm hoping he doesn't ruin a good thing with his shitty schtick.

Psych, Friday @ 10pm on USA - Ok, so this doesn't premiere until this Friday, July 7, but it looks very promising. In the same vein as the fantastic Monk, Psych follows a phony psychic as he solves crimes using basic skills of deduction. I have my fingers crossed.

The beauty of all of these shows is that they're on cable, so they are in the midst of new episodes right now because the don't want to compete with the networks. So quit enjoying the weather and return to you sweet friend television - the only one who really loves you...

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