Tuesday, June 13, 2006

World Cup Soup #7

The 2006 FIFA World Cup Final takes place this summer in Germany. Bridget and Bryan are going, and the rest of the Heffernan family is jealous. As this is the greatest spectacle in sports, there will be no shortage of unique tidbits surrounding the event. World Cup Soup will be there to document these items.

It's All Over

5 minutes into the World Cup opener for the USA, it was over. That 6'8" freek of nature headed the damn ball right into the net dashing all hopes at a respectable showing. Even worse, the final score put us in a severe deficit with goal differential. At this point, we have to beat Italy and Ghana, and hope that the Czechs beat Italy. If all that happens, we get to play Brazil in the second round. Yeah, great.

The worst thing is that the rest of the world has absolutely zero respect for us - rightfully so. Maybe even worse is the USA media laughing at how much we were overhyped. Who overhyped us? None other than that same USA media!!! Nobody else in the world hyped us! It absolutely makes me sick. We should boycott any future World Cups played in Europe. I think this will be my last World Cup Soup post.


  1. My anger level was at a dangerously high level while watching this match. Claudio Reyna is the only player worth a damn on the entire team. Plus, it didn't help that FIFA totally screwed the USA. Europe is laughing and I am crying.

  2. We can still make it with 4 points - apparently in the WC, head-to-head is the second tiebreaker, NOT goal differential. So if we tie Italy and pound Ghana and the Czechs pound Italy, we could get through. Also, if we win out we'd probably get through (and even if we didn't that would be pretty respectable). Either way Beasley should never play for the US again, Donovan better get his complacent ass out of MLS and into Europe (if anyone will still have him), and if we don't see radical line-up changes on Saturday (IN - Eddie Johnson, John O'Brien, Clint Dempsey, OUT - Beasley, Cherundolo, Lewis, Mastoeni) Bruce Arena should be canned too. People can no longer say MLS is a viable MNT feeder because we looked sooo slow against the Czechs it was like we were a high school team. Absolutely embarrassing...

  3. I looked into Ian's assertion about tiebreakers in group play. The official FIFA rules state that rankings are determined by:

    a) greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
    b) goal difference in all group matches;
    c) greatest number of goals scored in all group matches.

    If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their rankings will be determined as follows:

    d) greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned;
    e) goal difference resulting from the group matches between the teams concerned;
    f) greater number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams concerned;
    g) drawing of lots by the Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup

    I don't know all the scenarios, but we are eliminated Saturday if we lose to Italy and Czech beats Ghana.
