Thursday, June 08, 2006

World Cup Soup #5

The 2006 FIFA World Cup Final takes place this summer in Germany. Bridget and Bryan are going, and the rest of the Heffernan family is jealous. As this is the greatest spectacle in sports, there will be no shortage of unique tidbits surrounding the event. World Cup Soup will be there to document these items.

German Beer

So everyone knows all about Germany's claim to fame. No, not chocolate or cuckoo clocks. I'm talking about beer. Germany claims worlwide fame for producing some of the best beers known to man. Most of them are too difficult to spell or even pronounce, but they certainly do it right. Ever heard of Oktoberfest? I thought so!

With this in mind, it's not so surprising that Germans were up in arms about worldwide World Cup sponsers providing beer in their own nation. It was a national scandal that you might have to buy Budweiser at a Cup match. Of course, German pride won out and that won't be happening. The solution is the "Germany Cocktail" ...

Germany Cocktail: Black vodka, orange juice
mixed with grenadine, and plain orange juice
mixed in German colors to provide a tasty treat!

Man, that looks sooooo much better than a nice cold Bud! Those Germans sure know their beer. As soon as you finish this "delicious" drink, you can run straight here and relieve yourself (preferably not from vomiting). This is an actual photo taken in a restroom at the international press center in Berlin!


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Those silly Germans! I've heard too, Ted that that drink is immensely popular in Germany. The beer on top gives you a cute little mustache. Click my name to see someone who just drank one....

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

