Friday, June 02, 2006

Ian's Quadrennial World Cup Preview

With just 1 week left until the 2006 World Cup kicks off in Germany I thought it an appropriate time to take a look at the teams and groups and make a few predictions - 60% of the time, I'm right all the time. Here goes...

GROUP A: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Germany, Poland
Wow! The host country was "randomly picked" into what is easily the least competitive group in the entire tournament. Luckily for Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Poland this year's German team is not very good. Still, expect Germany and Poland to qualify 1 and 2, but it'll be tighter than many think.

GROUP B: England, Paraguay, Sweden, Trinidad & Tobago
England is certainly less threatening without Wayne Rooney, but they're still the best team in this group; however, don't overlook Sweden. Sweden and England qualify 1 and 2.

GROUP C: Argentina, Ivory Coast, Netherlands, Serbia & Montenegro
Many are calling Group C the 'Group of Death'. I am calling those people morons. Let's see, an upstart African team, a country that will no longer exist at the time the World Cup begins on June 9, and two of the best teams in the world. Netherlands and Argentina qualify 1 and 2... easily.

GROUP D: Angola, Iran, Mexico, Portugal
The US shocked Portugal in its first game of World Cup 2002; don't expect them to get caught offguard again. In other news, the only chance Angola and Iran have of advancing is if it's done alphabetically. Mexico and Portugal qualify 1 and 2.

GROUP E: Czech Republic, Ghana, Italy, United States
This is your real 'Group of Death'. Even though the FIFA rankings are out of whack, the Czech, Italian, and American teams all all top-15 in the world and Ghana is an up-and-coming African squad. This one's going to come down to goal differential and, unfortunately for the US, the Czechs and Italians have more offensive firepower and steadier back lines. Czech Republic and Italy qualify 1 and 2, with Italy edging out the US on goal difference.

GROUP F: Australia, Brazil, Croatia, Japan
The question here isn't whether or not Brazil will advance to the second round, it's who will qualify in second place. In this case (shakes Magic 8-Ball)... Japan.

GROUP G: France, South Korea, Switzerland, Togo
I had to look Togo up on a map because I thought FIFA had made up a country so that France could advance more easily. Rest assured, Togo is a real country somewhere in Africa. Unfortunately for Togo (formerly French Togoland, no joke, look it up!), the only chance they have of advancing is if France reclaims them as a colony. Switzerland and France qualify 1 and 2.

GROUP H: Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine
Ah, Spain, the Elmer Fudd of international soccer. Every time you think they're due to perform well in a tournament, someone sticks a carrot in their rifle barrel and they self-destruct. Fortunately for them, they've been handed a cakewalk. Spain and Ukraine qualify 1 and 2.

We'll revisit these predictions after the qualifying round is over and the single-elimination portion of the tournament begins. If I didn't pick one of your favorites to make it out of the opening round, I wouldn't be too discouraged - if the NCAA basketball tournament has taught me anything it's that the only thing I can be certain of is that I'm probably spectacularly wrong...

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the great majority of your picks. However, look for South Korea to make a strong showing.
