Friday, May 12, 2006

Sorry, the Princess is in Another Castle

Nintendo unveiled their next-generation gaming console this week at the annual E3 electronics and game convention. They chose a rather unconventional name, Wii, but I'm still interested. I haven't really played console video games since the Nintendo64, but I would consider the Wii for three(3) reasons:

  1. A new, innovative controller (called the nunchuk, as if that wasn't enough right there) is based on highly sensitive, embedded motion sensors. To play a baseball game swing the remote like a bat, to swing a golf club imitate the same motion. The nunchuk is supposedly smart enough to sense intensity of the movements, thus allowing a easy chip shot or a let-er-rip drive. It's also wireless so you don't have to worry about yanking the console to the floor in a fit of rage.
  2. The console will include a free online service that allows you to play the entire catalog of Nintendo games, from the GameCube to the N64 to SuperNES to the original NES. In addition, they'll also have a bunch of titles from the old Sega systems. Honestly, if you can't get excited about Super Mario Bros. 3, StarFox, and Sonic the Hedgehog I don't even want to know you.
  3. It's Nintendo! It's getting pretty ridiculous how cutthroat this business is with Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's XBox. Frankly, I'm rooting for the underdog to knock them both on their asses. Plus, the Wii is what it is - a game console. It is not a complete home entertainment center and as such it will not cost $400-$500, which is kind of refreshing.

The Wii is expected sometime in 2006. I'd definitely wait to see how great and responsive the nunchuck controller actually is, but if reviews come back good who am I to say no to Zelda...

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