Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I Certainly Hope I Didn't Just Jinx Us

So I finally broke down and bought a US Soccer Men's National Team jersey. This comes hot on the heels of the team falling to Morocco 1-0 last night. By the way, were you aware that the abbreviation for Morocco is 'MAR' and not 'MOR'? Neither was I. Fortunately, JP Dellacamra reminded everyone about 47 times during last night's game; otherwise, I would've continued under my previous, and quite erroneous, assumption that the US was playing a warm-up match against the month of March.

Has this purchase doomed the US MNT?

Anyways, this is the first time I have ever ventured into jersey territory. I'm a die-hard Notre Dame, Cincinnati Reds, and Cincinnati Bengals fan and although I've dabbled in the t-shirt arena for some time I've never purchased, nor even claimed ownership of, an actual jersey for any of those teams. Yeah, so it's kinda blah, but as David Puddy famously said on Seinfeld, "You gotta support the team!"

So here's hoping that I haven't cursed the entire World Cup for the national team. But if I have, I can take solace in the fact that I'm not alone - the official US Soccer Store is sold out of practically every piece of men's apparel they claim to sell. So if you too want a jersey, you'd better head over to soon!


  1. I totally jinxed us too! Ava and Ali got me the official AWAY jersey for my birthday. I know what Ian and I are wearing to Colin's bachelor party. Hell, I might just wear it under my tux for Colin's wedding!

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Just checking...

    You didn't put Heffernan on the back did you??

    Wait, maybe I don't want to know the answer...withdrawn.
