Tuesday, April 25, 2006

World Cup Soup #3

The 2006 FIFA World Cup Final takes place this summer in Germany. Bridget and Bryan are going, and the rest of the Heffernan family is jealous. As this is the greatest spectacle in sports, there will be no shortage of unique tidbits surrounding the event. World Cup Soup will be there to document these items.

Romeo wore Adidas...
and Juliet wore Puma!

Today's entry concerns the age-long feud between Adi and Rudi Dassler. Both were brothers growing up in Herzogenaurach, Germany in the 1920s. They worked at the family shoe factory as expert cobblers before WWII tore their country apart. Somewhere along theat road, they became bitter enemies. After the war, Adi founded Adidas and Rudi founded Puma.

Thus began one of the most bitter rivalries in the business world. Two global shoe companies on opposite sides of the river in the same small German town. The feud spawns many hilarious tales. Adidas families will not marry Puma families. Puma bars refuse drinks to those wearing Adidas. Local gangs fight for turf in their gear. The stories are endless.

Perhaps the biggest battle will be fought this summer as each company fights to kit the World Cup champion in their home country of Germany. Adidas seems to have the advantage with Germany, Argentina, France, Spain, Japan and Trinidad & Tobago. But Puma has the numbers supplying 12 nations as opposed to Adidas' 6. Sponsering Italy and the Czech Republic, Puma may not have a winner, but they do have all of the African teams locked up - an eye to the future. Personally, my money is on Nike supplying the champ. Of course, my heart is still with Adidas.

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