Thursday, April 20, 2006

Television Apocalypse Is Upon Us

I heard this recent report and almost cried. When will the bastards stop!!! Philips has recently applied for a patent for its new technology that inserts a special tag into digital television. So what does this new tagging technology allow the TV and cable networks do? Well, it will allow stations to tag commercials and freeze your TV during those commercials. Seriously - you will not be able to change the channel during commercials! Even worse, it will prevent DVRs (TiVo) from fast-forwarding during commercials - even recorded shows!

Apparently, the TV format in Europe is already capable of accepting these new tags. US TVs are a little different, but they can easily be adapted. If this ever happens, I will cancel my cable subscription and use my TV as a movie screen exclusively. Bridget, this is your field. You have to make sure this patent never happens!

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