Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New NRA Spokesman

Ian's recent post about his drive to work forced me to post my experience today while dropping Ava off at daycare. I'm on vacation, so I wasn't actually driving to work! Anyway, I have to read and learn way too much in medicine, so when I drive, I listen to ESPN Radio, no NPR for me. Mike and Mike are hilarious.

Today, they played an audio clip that I swore was fake. It was about a DEA cop who was giving a lecture to kids in school about not using drugs. He was very proud of the fact that he was "the only one in the room who can use a Glock." Of course you are, they are all 10 years old! Anyway, the video is awesome as he proceeds to shoot himself in the foot with his "unloaded" Glock. I'm not sure which part is funnier, the fact that he limped on (and I mean limped) and switched his lecture focus to gun safety, or that when he tried to show another gun, the kids gasped, "NOOOOOO!!!"

It was a real video, and of course it is circulating on the internet. The cop is suing everybody to get it pulled - but not yet! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you DEA Cop.

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