Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Screwed by AOL

So today I made another phone call to AOL-Time Warner. Awhile back, I needed a cheap dial-up service. I foolishly resorted to AOL because I had a handy AOL install CD lying around. I installed the dial-up service and have been in Hell ever since.

Today marked the fifth time in six months I've called about the same issue with my account. Apparently, when you have an AOL account and high-speed Internet with Warner Cable, you get your AOL account free. Now, I almost never use the AOL account after the initial need for the dial-up service, but since it was bundled free with my high-speed Internet, I decided not to make a big deal by canceling my account. First mistake.

I first noticed the charge on my account in October. I promptly called and asked why I was being charged. AOL said "don't worry, we'll credit your account and we've made changes so this charge won't appear on your next statement." OK, I said. Second mistake.

I noticed I was being charged again in December. I called and asked to have my account cancelled and my money credited. AOL said "there was an error last month and our billing cycle was reset. We promise there won't be any more charges." OK, I said. Third mistake.

I called and was told similar lies in January and February, though the lie was told to me by the AOL manager in February. Still haven't had my account cancelled, but I got the manager's name (Mark) and email address. I still haven't gotten my account cancelled, though I tried both anger, and niceties to do so. Fourth mistake.

So now we're in March, and I get another bill. I call, and after waiting on hold for nearly 20 minutes because their voice recognition software can't understand I'm saying "M-A-R" as the first three letters of my account name. I finally get to the cancellations department ("Hi, this is Mary") and ask for Mark. Mary says, "Mark was transferred last week, but I can help you with your problem." I then begin explaining my problem again. I'm cool, calm, and collected, and don't lose my patience with Mary, the poor lemming on the other end of the phone who lives and dies by the paper script of lies she is allowed to tell customers. Again I am promised that the problem is escalated and there will not be another issue with my account. When I insist on my account being cancelled, Mary puts me on hold to speak with her manager. She returns momentarily saying that she can cancel my account due to the documented problems with it. I sigh in relief. However, Mary tells me "We can only credit your account for the charge if you maintain your AOL account." Translation, I'm out $25 bucks if I cancel my account. WHAT THE F*%#!!!

So I calmly (I know, my temper didn't explode and I didn't lose control!) responded, "Please escalate the issue to your new manager, don't cancel my account, and credit me the charge on my account." Meanwhile I'm seething mad and, though unusual for me these days, I want to punch Mary right in the face.

OK, so AOL is the most corrupt excuse for a company in America, and I actually am hoping for an Enron-esque debacle to befall them (Terrorists reading this blog, please feel free to target AOL). Apparently the state of Ohio had similar problems, as in June 2005, Ohio settled with AOL in a lawsuit charging AOL with failure to honor customers’ requests to cancel their accounts. Dammit! I'm 9 months too late!

Obviously I should never have contracted in any way with AOL to provide any service. That is the root of this evil. But I am so pissed off that I can't cancel my account without losing my money. Once I get my credit back on my credit card, I am going to call and do anything necessary to cancel my account. What will most likely end up happening is I'll lose my high-speed Internet service and my TV (both provided by Time Warner). Fortunately, AOL is always ready to get their claws into the next sucker.


  1. When Ted tried to get that free iPod I signed up for AOL, and tried to cancel a month later. Needless to say it was almost an impossible task. You have to be absolutely ruthless, and they do not take no for an answer. I hate AOL.

  2. Since nobody except Colin tried to help me, I never got that damn iPod. I had no trouble cancelling my AOL though. I just called and it was over.

    Kevin, do you actually pay a bill or is the fee deducted from a credit card or bank account? I would just stop payment on the card or account if you can. They can't cause any trouble with collections agencies since you aren't supposed to be paying anything anyway!

    The next thing I would do is use your wife to call Legally Blond style. She can throw around some legal BS and scare them into stopping this crap once and for all.
