Monday, March 27, 2006

Matt Doherty on Michigan Avenue

This weekend Liz, me , Mom, and Dad were walking down Michigan Avenue in Chicago when who do we see, none other than ex-ND head basketball coach Matt Doherty. I was excited to see him walking by and was going to say something to him when I suddenly realized, what the heck could I ever say to this guy? Here are some possible opening lines:

1. Wow, nice to meet you again Coach (he once addressed the men of Knott Hall so I feel we have already been properly introduced), you should have never left Notre Dame.

2. Wow, nice to meet you again Coach, that really sucks how you almost ran North Carolina's program into the ground, and then have to see them win it all shortly thereafter. How did that feel?

3. Hello coach, how are things at Florida Atlantic?

As you can see this man definitely made some poor life choices.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I would have gone with:

    1. How long until the braces come off, coach?

    or, depending on his current dental status

    2. Wow, coach! That's one helluva smile. Orthodontics 1, Summerteeth 0.
