Thursday, February 09, 2006

Do You Know This Man?

Because according to a cool website I just ran across - - he looks just like me! is primarily a site that does facial recognition to see which family members you most resemble, but it also has the ability to match you against a celebrity photo database. So I uploaded a recent photo. My closest celebrity match? That's right, David Beckham. I'm hot.

I also found it amusing that my second closest match was Ayrton Senna, of Ayrton Senna Super Monaco GP II video game fame on the old Sega Genesis. That game was difficult.

Check it out and post your celebrity likeness matches in the comments.


  1. Damn you, Ian, for making me do this. Not only did I have to register, but I found out that my closest celebrity look-alike is none other than Benny Andersson. That's right, I look like a founding member of the Swedish super-group, ABBA.

  2. OH YEAH!!! I just scanned that image we took with Santa at Thanksgiving. This website will do multiple analyses on a single picture. I tried using the family photo from Thanksgiving, but the faces must be too small. It kept confusing men and women.

    Anyway, I really have to admit I see a little Sean Aston resemblence, but the classic was Steph! I had to upload the photo to the entry! Sorry Ian and Steph!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Is it bad that I had a 92% likeness to Billy Dee Williams??

    RUDY!!! RUDY!!! RUDY!!!!

  4. Steph, you can never wear a blue dress ever again.
