Sunday, December 04, 2005

World Cup Soup #1

Damn am I jealous! This is a huge week for Bridget, Bryan, Ian and Steph. Oh yeah, it is also a pretty important week for US Soccer. Of course I'm talking about the worldwide spectacle that is World Cup 2006. The World Cup will be held in Germany next summer and all these lucky bastards will be there rooting on the Red, White and Blue. German beer, cuckoo clocks, autobahn, schnitzel - did I say beer? Oh yeah, there will be some good games too!

So the spectacle begins this week with the World Cup Draw. First is the annuncement of the seeded teams on Tuesday. 8 lucky teams will get seeded to almost ensure a free pass to the second round. Germany, as host, is guaranteed a seed. The seven other seeds will be decided after FIFA has had a chance to count the bribes. Sorry, I mean after FIFA has been able to decide the relative footballing merits of competing nations. This will be achieved following "various criteria such as the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking." That is an admission that world ranking alone will not suffice. That would be far too simplistic. USA is currently sitting at #8. Do you really think we'll get a seed? It is always best to be cynical when dealing with FIFA, so we should accept that the internal discussions will begin with the eight seeds FIFA prefers, and then they will juggle the criteria to justify their choices.

Next comes the official draw on Friday. Hosted by Heidi Klum, additional performances will be made by Columbian pop phenom Juanes and magician Hans Klok! Come on, are they really going to have a magician perform at the draw? Is that how FIFA plans on making its groups work out just as they want? I can't wait to see this unfold. The little glass balls picked from the jars... Actually, I can. I'll just read about the results in the paper the next day. But this is exciting, because it determines USA's chances to advance, and our family's travel plans.

Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to mention perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the upcoming World Cup. US Soccer has allowed Nike to redesign our logo. The old US Soccer shield has been replaced by a scary looking snake with the logo "Don't Tread on Me." I'm not sure that is such a great idea given recent Nike redesigns of Virginia Tech, Miami, Florida and Oregon uniforms. Each of those jerseys cursed the teams to losses. I can live with the new logo, as long as Nike doesn't put different color sleeves on our kits!

So watch with awe, fascination and a measure of suspicion on Tuesday and Friday. I would wish those with game tickets good luck, but I am still bitter.I hope it snows while you're there!


  1. Is it just mean, or do the smiling faces in the Wold Cup logo look like the South Park characters? That fat-ass Cartman is on the left.

    Oh, and by the way, next summer is the World Cup Finals. Thr World Cup has been going on for over 2 years now.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Allright...are we, the avid readers of the Heffy-blog going to get an analysis Notre Dame - OSU Fiesta Bowl bash or what? That game is going to rock. Mega offense and Charlie "the Brain" Weis vs. defense and Jim "Head like a Ken doll" Tressel. Quit patting yourselves on the back with those grad school degrees and give us a dissertation!

  3. Oh, don't worry! We have plenty of OSU rips ahead. I say we divide up the week so that every day, one of us does a new post!

    Actually, we aren't really big rivals with OSU. We've only played 4 times ever. The only problem we have is their OBNOXIOUS fans. They are some of the worst. The game itself should be great, but the annoying Buck fans will make it a grudge match.

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    We got screwed!!! FIFA blows...and the world hates us out of seething jealousy.

    I blame mimes and midgets. Especially midget mimes.
